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Friday, September 09, 2011

Are you happy with who you are?

One of the most important part of our life is to face who we are. But, at what age are we really interested or concern about recognizing single aspects of our human condition?
We are who we thought we could become.We are what we have being able to build or develop in ourselves until today. 
Addrian Liddell Hart Indo China. 1952
"I fought in foreing Legion
But for many people, there is time, when in front of those questions, they will say....
  • Life is to busy...I don't have enough time to get into those dramatic reflexions...
  • Its not about what I think or not think, I am what I am and that's it. I can't change it.
  • I am just like my father. All I am, I learned from him. I have always be the same and I will be the same until the day I die.

How many of you have had this kind of answers in different cirscunstances?
Have you realized that when we have this kind of answers we are in the higher percentage of risk to face the  question again?. Yes, life will raise the question again, over and over, until we come to acknowledge the importance of it.
"Are you happy with WHO you are?"
Many of us have had the great opportunity of facing this question since we were young. Sometimes I think there is people that is pleased to answer it instantly. Those are the one, I call the "Saints" of our time. Definitely, that was NOT my case. I had to work very hard to overcome what I called my "Human Poverty" and reach progressively the levels of Personal Quality I wanted to achieve. As soon as I was able to face that question, and my answers were not of my complete satisfaction, I knew I have to do something. So, I made my list and I went through it and I did it ALL, but of course, I am not done yet. I will be always learning how to do better. That makes me alert of my own weakness and fault, that’s why it has being one of the most worthy mission in my life. Thanks to the answer I choose,  I can integrally respond  "Yes, I am very happy of being who I am".  
When you get to that point, where ever you go, you will know who you are and what you can do. You will have a different dimension of your real value, because you know how much it takes to endure progress in oneself. You did it by your own decision, happily engaged, so you know you don’t need to compete or show up. You just need to be “YOU”,  real. There is “nothing” that can be compare with the great feeling of being aware of your capacity, gift, virtue, and potential. That’s what will give you position in life and you can recognize it in people instantly.  

The greatest part is that when you run for the wonderful answers to this important question. You will realize that there were always help around you; people, information, material, prayers, inspiration, training, work,…everything. But you know, the path you are walking on was not mapped, conceived, or  viewed by your friend, parents, boss or government, or  wasn’t anybody else plan, but God’s plan for you. There it is a huge difference.You listened to it, you worked through it and you will receive the blessings for ever.  That also give you a sense of integrity and dignity.

Again, the question itself is simple, but sometime we are so lost in doing what we think we need to do, that we mistake who we are with what we do or what we have, or where we are.  

So think about this it’s not what you do, it’s not what you have, it’s not where you are..... It’s who you are, what you want to find out, to enjoy it and and share it.

            *Would you like to know more about this particular aspect for Personal Development?...
            *Article: Achieving Personal Quality. Coming Soon.            


