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Friday, October 14, 2011

Achieving Personal Quality.

I. There are some questions that can help us flow with the information about "Personal Quality". And all depend on the stage we are...Think about them...

Some aspects of life are easier to address than others. Here there are few question that  might sound like too dry, but remember it is the result of our reflection after facing them what we are focus on at this first stage of our goal.
  •  How open I am to face my own weakness?
  • Do I recognize envy in my own feelings, thoughts, and attitude?  
  • Do I like to be commenting about other people life with a third person?
  • Do I use to put people against people, by the art of highlighting their faults, mistakes or weakness or I am more close to the style of connecting them by highlighting their strengths, assertiveness, or success?
  • Am I humble to serve or Am I a slave when I serve? 
  • Do I always try to put others in second or third place or its my attitude fair in most of the circumstances?
  • Am I a negative thinker?...Always looking the dark spot in everybody else?
  • How many times do I practice the mirror reflection,  when I am in front of attitudes that really bothers me? How do I respond?
There are more questions that go deep inside our human condition to go over, but its good to have time between one and the other...

Walking through all the possibilities of change and the different stage where we can be at one point in our life, you might be on the position to start answering to questions like these;

  •  If I think about one thing I need to overcome immediately. what would that be?
  •  If I need to ask somebody to help me to achieve a higher personal quality in a program of 1 year, who will I choose to be my mentor? A good friend, a pastor, a coworker, a sister, a brother, a psychologist, a husband or wife,... God?
    Am I ready to start a long term program of Personal Quality? Am I excited about it?
Lets Keep Growing...Shaping our Personal Quality...Come back and you will see!
