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"2017" a year of Living in Plenitude with much Joy and Gratitude!

Give yourself the gift of Love!
You deserve to give and receive the best of the best!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What are you doing?...


There are times in your life when people won't understand what you are doing. But if you know where your heart is, you might know part of the answer. Only Time will show the fruit of your work, or the importance of your belief and perseverance. So if you know what you are doing, if it is something that its in your heart, and its of VALUE. Don't let any body stop you,  Do not be afraid and KEEP WALKING!

Yes, It takes heart to build a Garden and what a marvelous feeling when you can experience answers within the nature.
Nature is definitely alive. You know that, and God knows that too. But only when you understand and acept that He can talk to you through the nature, is when you will start enjoying "his presence" in the garden, in a walk, in your fishing experience, in the beauty of the view at the river's shores, in the need to cut the grass and to pull out the weat off your garden, and some times it is the spirit of God who is whispering the idea of planting an specific flower in the perfect spot for you to enjoy it later.

Next time you get to sit down in the park, or at the porch, be alert, because you might think you are alone,... just inmersed in your thoughts, but you might be able to experience the message within the nature…If you are able to get an answer, you will know its not a coincidence!

The main point in the reflexion of this article, is that in any "garden"; which is basicaly any place where your actions develop a relationship and some times is in yourself, in your family, in your company, in your place of work, in your community, in your church, or in your country, the important ingredient is Love.

With love you can build and edify what ever you want, and the beauty of it, is that everybody can see it, many will feel it, and sense it.

With love you can built bridges to enhance the communication needed to upgrade production, safety, armony, education, economy, healthcare, and any law or service.

So, I think when the roots of the plants are clean and healthy, then we have natural growth and progress ... But how do we make sure they are clean and healthy?

... Let me check carefully and consult the great Master!
