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"2017" a year of Living in Plenitude with much Joy and Gratitude!

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Achieving Personal Quality. The Value of Being Fair with Others.

Being Fair with others may be the easiest way of responding to some people,  while for others is just the most difficult thing to do.  Its also very difficult to be in the middle of situations where  you see  that attitude of just being unfair, but sometimes you have to appreciate the goodness of living in between those circumstances, as well as you appreciate the blessing of being around of people that really know how to play Fair in life.

We have two alternatives when we are in front of unfairness circumstances and we are not the victim. We either correct  the person who is unfair,  or try to help the recipient - who receive the mistreat . Either ways make us as part of the whole behavior game. On the other hands, in the long term, we will notice two other alternatives. We either learned and copied the same attitude, or learned how not to repeat the same pattern of behavior. So, in this last case, we wisely turned something bad in a very good learning experience. Its wise to choose well, when discerning what to learn from others.

In fact, If I ask you, where are you, in reference with these subject? What would your answer be? Any Experience at all?

How can you take it easy, when you are in the middle of a situation where you see unfairness?. Think about how many times, we are sad or angry, asking God to listen to us, while he is still listening to the other version, of our story. The other side of the line is plenty of feelings, reasons and emotions too. We are not the only person who need attention and comfort. It's not easy for any one. Perhaps, some times we can  imagine about the other part of the equation. When  we are sad,  or hurt  in some way, because of any difference in a relationship with another person, we can be sure that on the other side of the line there is no happiness, joy or peace.....There might be different emotions, reasons, perceptions and attitudes from ours, but nothing really good either.

As human beings,  we have so much to learn and practice about relationship, that the time we are awake is not enough during the day, and less when we are so busy to cope with the daily routine and the long "To Do List" that everybody have.

Many research shows the benefits of meditations and the blessings of having time of contemplation. Now, we have to understand that there are many ways to practice both disciplines. In order to find answers that help you to be fair in any situation, you need to meditate and contemplate them in an integral way, not only from your only perspective, from what you want or you would like. Its important to consider others point of view, even a moral perspective,and then, reflect where the differences are and how you can come across some solutions.

There are things that sounds different but they are so alike. Also, there are things that are different but they sounds alike....So to be fair in our responds,  we shall take a little of time to really find the best answer.  Some references on this subject, teach us that the following attitudes do help;
  • Listen to others opinion and needs on the time they are expressed; But make sure you ask this question to your self. Are you truly listening to the other person?
  • Don't Judge anyone. Do what you think is the right thing to do in the specific situation to change only circumstances, since every one is responsible to change by their own resolution. Ask for help if you are not sure what to do.
  • Treat others, so you want to be treated.
  • Always, Think about the reflection of your actions.
Some of the best quotes I have recently found about fairness  are:
  1. Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both. (Author; Eleanor Roosevelt).
  2. If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner. (Author; Nelson Mandela).
  3. Let us not seek the Republican answer nor the Democratic answer but the right answer. (Author: John F. Kennedy).
  4. These men ask for just the same thing, fairness, and fairness only. This, so far as in my power, they, and all others, shall have.(Author; Abraham Lincoln)

    Achieving Personal Quality is a constant work of personal reevaluation of our Values and attitudes. This special time of the year,  its perfect to keep walking on the high route, retake the high performance and rewrite our destiny or enjoy the beauty of the vision you have embraced or the direction you have already choose for Good!

                                                                            Keep are not alone!

    Monday, November 21, 2011

    Achieving Personal Quality. The Value of being Honest .

    Honesty is one of the most important value in our life.
    We daily face the opportunity to be honest with our-self, with God and of course with all the people we are related to. 

    In this daily adventure of trying to improve our responds to the challenges of this life. Completely committed to the purpose of overcoming our human miseries, and to achieve the personal quality that God is asking us to earn in this life, we have to face the truth of how HONEST we are.

    We might want to go through the exercise of listing the times where you easily express your self with honesty and the times that you know you are not. Look into details and find out differences. Use the Positiveness of acknowledging the great feelings from one response to help you to improve the other.
    God love us so much, that he is writing on his notebook every step we give. He is in control also Looking forward  into all the details in your process of becoming a better person. Why in control? Just because he has a wonderful plan for each one of us, he needs to see our answers. So, while you are doing your part, remember God is working on his part too. Both of you, are walking together...Keep that in mind.

    YOU WILL RECOGNIZE God's work in you the next time someone feed your purpose and fuel you with passion about the beauty of Being Honest. It can be during a personal conversation, or  trough a magazine article, a movie, a book, an speech or even through your own reflection...

    Please consider that nobody is perfect, and we are not looking forward to be perfect, either. I am just promoting a life style where people really want to be a better person, walk the talk, and recognize that every day, every effort count!

    Keep Walking!

    Sunday, November 06, 2011

    Achieving Personal Quality.

    II. What  qualities shall I consider as a reference?
    Be ready to embrace the Source of God and do not be afraid of looking  deep inside yourself to find your lights and shadows.

    Considering the importance of having a good reference at the special time of looking for a real change in our life and our life style, it is, and will always be a wise attitude.When we start opening our heart and our mind asking for the blessing of  God, and wishing to be shaped by his hands,we have to be able to embrace his power in our life.

    If we start walking that path as a seeker of the light, and we listen to a role model who is immersed in the charisma of God as our reference, we  will start noticing that little by little we start becoming part of God's light.

    • Its important to be humble enough to recognize our weakness because the Holy Spirit is the great giver of all the gift we are unconsciously seeking and he is willing to bless us with them in the proper time.
    • Its necessary to be obedient to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
    • Its fundamental that you pray that God will help you to develop meekness.
    Be Firm and Alert...God wants you in peace!

                                                                                                                                  Keep Walking...
